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The Metal Meanings


Silver - Is a real metal and is connected to the Moon. It is one of the most versatile metals, one of the 3 base metals in Alchemy. It is associated with philosophical traits of intuition, self-reflection, and inner wisdom. It is a feminine metal, a symbol of purity and is connected to the goddesses and spirits. Its energies include divination, healing, protection, emotion, love, wisdom, dreams, luck and wealth. It is symbolic of attributes such as vision, clarity, awareness, focus, persistence and subtle strength.

Copper - Ruled by the planet Venus. It embodies the nurturing aspect of women and their youthfulness. It is associated with the matters of love & lust and symbolizes characteristics like charisma, feminine beauty, artistic creativity, affection, caring, and balance. It is also considered a healing metal that teaches about living a fulfilling life.

Gold -Highly valued by the ancient Egyptians, Irish, Romans, Asians, Africans, and Central Americans. It was believed to represent perfection and purity. Gold was often used as offerings for the gods, for ceremonial purposes and for the beautification of the chieftains’ courts. Most of the cultures across the world have seen this metal as a symbol of wealth, prosperity, authority and charisma. It was supposed to aid in healing, protection, growth, and knowledge.

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Gemstone Meanings

What each gemstone's energy offers you:


Abalone - Protection, healing energy to your spirit, wear when you are in need of guidance in a relationship. Brings safety from harm and emotional balance. Psychic development such as intuition. It can improve your ability to express your emotions with clarity, thus can encourage cooperation at work and in your personal life. Attracts tranquility.


Agate - A soothing and calming stone, agate works slowly but brings great strength. Its multiple layers can bring hidden emotional information to light. Agate gently facilitates acceptance of ones self, this builds self confidence.  Agates love of truthfulness encourages speaking your truth. Agates with clear crystals can stimulate memories.  This crystal overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart. It heals inner anger fostering love and the courage to start again. It is useful for any kind of emotional trauma. 


Amazonite - Assists in communicating true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. Enables one to see a problem from another’s point of view in order to affect peace, or to see both sides of an issue objectively to resolve one’s own inner conflicts. Aids in overcoming loneliness, and has been credited with making married life happier.


Amber - Nurturing for recovering from illness or those needing comfort. Turns negative energies into positive energy. Provides a protective shield against negative energies and removes toxicity from one’s life or relationships.


Amethyst - Protection, spirituality, calmness, wisdom, contentment, and tranquility, and enhances your psychic abilities. Strengthens the imagination and intuition, and refines the thinking processes. Amethyst is the most ancient stone used for protection. Helps to relieve stress and anxiety in your life. It has a very old tradition and is definitely a very powerful healing stone. Carry Amethyst with you during travel to repeal negative energies, to give you protection and safety while traveling.


Ametrine Amethyst - Protection, spirituality, contentment, tranquility, enhances your psychic abilities. Strengthens the imagination and intuition, and refines the thinking processes.


Apatite - Achieve goals, personal growth or for the collective good. Good spiritual and dream stone. Stone to use in past-life or work to access the energy levels where the Akashic records are stored. Great for creative problem solving.


Aquamarine - A“Stone of Courage and Protection”. These stones are powerful to assist self healing, and they have strong metaphysical properties that help you to let go of old emotional issues you may be holding on to.  The vibration of these beautiful gemstones will calm your grief, and dilute your feelings of anger. Helps the releasing of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve, and that actually inhibit one's growth. 


Aqua Terra Jasper - A calming stone that brings inner peace and clarity of thought. It promotes compassion and love. It is excellent to aid anyone with stress or anxiety. It will open the heart and help you to release negative energy into the light. A wonderful stone for helping one find inner peace, clarity, love and compassion.


Atlantisite - lowers stress levels and encourages thinking before speaking. ​​It helps you to a higher awareness of all your emotions good and bad. This stone will bring joy into your physical existence. It helps to strengthen your feelings of love, compassion and caring for yourself and others. Atlantisite helps to clean emotional immaturity and helps to attract love, over and above money. It encourages you to make real promises.


Aventurine – It’s always ready to rouse those feelings of far-flung love and fantasy but in a way that feels strong and healthy, ever ready to raise you up. It’s a comforter, a harmonizer, and a super handy stone to have stashed on the self for all those who want to bring a little more luck into their world. Whether you need a little flush of added wealth, an extra abundance of love and friendship, or just a bit more growth, Aventurine wants one thing – for you to succeed in all your amazing endeavors, no matter how big or small they may be.


Azurite - heals emotional trauma from present and past lives at the mental level. It encourages breakthroughs when a healing process seems stuck. It dissolves emotional blocks and negativity. It will heal confusion, aid healers, mediators, and psychics. It will increase your healing abilities and visualization. It allows you to show your emotions in a new light. It transmutes fears and phobias and brings an understanding as to why they occurred in the first place. It will settle someone down who talks too much out of nervousness. 


Banded Agate – Is the stone of beauty, harmony and fertility. It increases self-confidence and is incredibly supportive for health and wellbeing. Balances your physical, emotional, mental and energy. Helps with growth, balance and confidence. Creates a sense of security and peace. Improves focus, concentration, and memory. Will help open the doors of success for you by drawing energies in your favor. 


Black Agate - Offers you prosperity, a victory for athletes and courage. As a talisman, it is used to promote courage and self-confidence. Connects the spirit and physical planes together and grounds you in reality. This stone is considered to be mainly balancing stone that will clean negative energy from your aura, bring in more energy and joy and peace into your life. If you are very emotional, feel bad, abandoned or angry, black agate will bring you stability and balance with its soothing energy.


Black Banded Agate - A stone for grounding and centering the energies of the Root Chakra. Use for self-control, grounding, resilience, quiet power, grounding, invisibility, peace and anxiety. Considered a receiving stone and is used for calming, soothing, inward meditation and reflection. Transforms negative energy into positive energy. These stones are the source of strength, vitality and confidence, and compassion and healing. Also said that it brings good luck and wealth.


Black Banded Onyx - Is believed to promote goodwill and brotherhood. The stone absorbs negative energy and then diffuses it. It is thought to bring mind, body, spirit and emotions into harmony while engendering benevolent feelings and removing hostility.


Black Feather Lace Agate - offers you prosperity, victory for athletes and courage. Connects the spirit and physical planes together and grounds you in reality. Stabilizes and grounds. It is ideal for centering and focusing.


Black Moonstone - An excellent stone for soothing emotional stress and anxiety. It encourages one to stay calm and grounded and not overreact in emotional and personal situations. Black Moonstone enables one to be aware of one's subconscious and allows one to consistently act from this intuition. This is a great stone to bring out at the start of any new endeavor, new relationship, or a new pregnancy. Black moonstone is also very protective, deflecting negative energy, and transforming them back to light.


Black Obsidian - Formed when a volcano erupts and the lava cools very quickly.  It is known as a spiritual cleanser because of its ability to absorb psychic smog and help to see things more clearly. This stone is very good for cutting ties and ridding yourself of negative connections. If you’re struggling to leave a toxic work environment or a relationship that is no longer serving you, you can seek help from black obsidian stone with its healing properties.  They can turn bad luck into good and are particularly useful when it comes to financial gains.


Black Onyx - Often used as an amulet against negative energy, it’s a master of good fortune. All black stones have solid healing properties particularly when it comes to protection and shielding you against anything that could bring harm. Onyx is ripe with powerful vibrations and can bring shades of strength and willpower to the wearer. Not only will it throw up a forcefield shield around you, but it also activates certain chakras in the body to bring solid standing, creative focus, and illuminate new pathways to wisdom. It grounds you beautifully in body, mind, and soul.


Black Septarian - Allows for better tolerance and patience, as well as emotional flexibility. Can also give balance to your body, mind, and spirit. It will ensure peace and harmony in all aspects of your being so that you will be able to face the daily challenges of life with confidence and grace. It will harmonize your emotions and your intellect with your higher mind. It will make you understand things about this life that you didn’t understand before, and this knowledge will contribute to an enlightened existence.


Black Window Druzy - Is a powerful stress reliever bringing healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It stimulates the imagination and awakens one to a feeling of self-love and empowerment. It balances the emotional body to relieve stress, depression, sadness, and fear. They amplify the body's natural healing properties and strengthen the spirit. They also provide the balance necessary to avoid depression or unnatural feelings of fear or dread. It inspires boldness, courage and bravery.


Bloodstone - Its energy speaks of life and birth, vitality and strength, passion and courage. It is both mystical and magical, and its virtues are protective and nurturing. Wear or carry Bloodstone to increase mental clarity and to aid in decision-making. It is marvelous for increasing creativity. It is a remarkable aid for revitalizing and re-energizing the body after illness, injury, or physical exhaustion. Use as a good luck charm for sports competitions or matches.


Blue Crazy Lace Agate - Brings joy to those who wear it. Stone of support and encouragement, promoting optimism. Good vibrations and positivity.


Blue Jasper - Confidence, courage and the strength of one's convictions. ... Blue crystals are always calming and encouraging. Linked with nobility of spirit and purpose, it imparts the courage to speak out against injustice and to risk unpopularity to defend the vulnerable. It is the perfect anti-stress stone for those in charge of others’ well-being, and for older children and teenagers to carry to resist being led into unwise behavior or risky situations.


Blue Opal - A stone of communication and creativity, Blue Opal allows you to speak your mind without fear or recrimination. It can help you believe in your own abilities and attract like-minded people into your life. Blue Opal can be used for protection during spiritual journeying or astral travel.


Blue Topaz - Magnifier for psychic abilities. Stone of peacefulness  & meditation and connecting with guides. It inspires creativity, increases attention span. Helps rid your life of negative elements.


Botswana Agate - Excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing yin and yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe. The eye of the stone is both protective and considered especially lucky. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a great crystal to use during pregnancy. Is useful as a protection amulet when traveling.


Brown Agate - is comforting and protection stone, its soothing energy helps people that are lonely, grieving because of a loss, go through difficult times or when they are hurt. The gentle energy of this stone is great for meditation.  It is one of the greatest stones for balancing emotions, harmonization, boosting intellectual and physical energy. This stone will help you see the bigger picture in your life and help you see forward, find a solution for a specific problem bringing hope.


Bumblebee Jasper - Having this stone in your possession will enable you to pick out the best opportunities for yourself and your family. It will also enable you to become much more susceptible to change and new surroundings. This will help you break away from your comfort zone and explore avenues that you previously wouldn’t. It will enable you to realize that you are the sole master of your own destiny and only you who can control what happens to your life. You can also use it to become much more energized during the day so that you can handle all of your tasks with greater ease.


Calcite - Stone of emotional intelligence. Increases awareness, empathy, compassion, inner strength, and motivation. Balances emotions and intellect. Energy amplifier. Encourages creative expression. Removes negativity. Can boost your memory. Calcite gives you the ability to change an idea into action. Can help students to study more effectively. ​ Helps to open your higher awareness and psychic abilities.


Carnelian - Excellent for restoring vitality and motivation, and for stimulating creativity. Gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success in business and other matters.  Builds confidence, helps break through creative blocks or begin new projects, charm, vitality, willpower. Consummation of love. Enhance passion, love, and desire. May help in rekindling passions that faded in an otherwise loving relationship. It calms anger and banishes emotional negativity, replacing it with a love of life.


Cats eye Jasper - Wearing cat's eye is believed to help ward off evil and acts as a talisman to protect against unforeseen danger. This stone is commonly known to bring wealth and prosperity and/or help people regain lost wealth. It also is said to strengthen family unions.  It promotes concentration and is recommended for students as it assists with studies and remaining focused. As an amulet it nurtures feelings of love and guards from infidelity.


Chalcedony - is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy. A potent stone associated with integrity and honesty. It will promote a calm and tranquil atmosphere and revitalize low levels of energy.


Charoite -Stone of transformation & unconditional love. Helps you to cut through the noise, to embrace deep insight, and to live in accordance with your highest sense of authenticity.  This stone calls on courage and gives your self-confidence a boost, reminding you that you can achieve all that you want in life. For those who are dealing with any kind of loss in their life, Charoite will pick you up, dust you off, and invite you to find the internal power to put a different spin on things.


Chrysocolla - Its main role is to soothe, calm and inspire. With associations of tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, is known as a healing stone. Has the ability to bring harmony, increase wisdom and guide you toward discretion. It promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, calm attitude during turbulence. It provides stability, acceptance and great inner strength. An excellent charm for learning new musical instruments or joining a choir.


Chrysoprase - Emotionally it has been known to promote love, forgiveness, compassion, joy and happiness, self-confidence, and removes feelings of anxiety, depression, and co-dependence. Attracts prosperity, abundance, mental clarity, love and enhances your intuition, allowing one to be truly centered. Promotes creativity and attracts success in new ventures. Has the ability to attract new love as it helps in mending a broken heart by aiding the wearer with his or her new self-esteem. 


Citrine - Cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Encourages the fullness of life, fresh beginnings, and new pursuits. Does not hold or accumulate negative energy, but rather dissipates and grounds it, making it extremely protective for the environment. It works out problems on both the physical and subtle levels, transforming negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones.


Clear Quartz - Links to all chakras to provide balance and harmony, help manifest your intentions. Expansion of consciousness, allow you to remember your dreams. Stimulate the mind to reflect upon these dreams and find the potential meanings behind them. A master healer that is effective for all conditions, strengthening the aura and protecting against negative energies.  It can also stimulate energy levels. Clear Quartz is great for amplifying intention, so you could program it with a specific purpose before use.  


Coconut Jasper - Is a grounding stone which helps one to become at peace with nature and the world around them. It also helps the user find the strength to step away from the familiar and find personal independence. Jasper is known as the "supreme nurturer". It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings one tranquility and wholeness. It is extremely protective and helps absorb negative energy clearing environmental and electromagnetic pollution, including radiation. Jasper aids in encouraging honesty with one's self and provides courage to assertively tackle one's problems. It re-energizes the body and helps during prolonged illness.


Coral Fossil - Helpful for promoting inner peace and quieting disruptive thoughts. Can assist in business endeavours, whilst keeping you grounded and motivated. Not only a grounding stone, but a stone of change, meaning it can help us make the longstanding changes we have been putting off and help us stick with them. It is an excellent stone for embarking down a new path with steady, resolute energy. Known to offer wisdom for success. It will greatly prosper your future with wonderful knowledge that can help you achieve your goals financially.


Dalmatian Jasper - Fidelity and emotional harmony, strengthens family bonds and long-term friendships. Encourages team effort  and cooperation at work. Can help children with nightmares.


Dendritic Agate - Brings fullness and abundance to all areas of life.  It is the stone of plenitude.  It creates a peaceful environment and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. It brings stability in times of strife or confusion.  Encourages perseverance and patience, and promotes a peaceful inner and outer environment. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It’s beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being.


Dendritic Opal - A balancing stone dealing with spiritual growth. Known as a Shaman Stone, it allows the carrier to explore the deeper universal energies to carry that back into the normalcy of life. With energies that bring great hope for growth and strength, it will give you the clarity and perspective that you need in life. It enables you to be more accepting of others. Serves to remind you that everything in life has happened, or is happening, for a reason.


Dinosaur Bone – These are full of energy, wisdom and magic, like amber or opals or petrified wood. Wearing this is said to increase energy and memory. This particular stone is especially helpful when dealing with anxiety over survival, calming the apprehension, and assisting in gaining of knowledge to strengthen one’s ability to create proper boundaries and to permanently squelch the anxiety.


Dragon Scale Agate - protects against stress and energy drains. It provides the “strength to carry on”. This is a good stone to bring about your hidden gifts and creativity. It’s a cleansing healing crystal that transforms and eliminates negative energy. It balances yin-yang (dualism – opposite energies), physical, intellectual and spiritual energies. It can be used to stimulate perceptiveness, boldness and success. Dragon vein agate will develop a sense of safety and calmness regardless of the difficulties in your life.


Dragon’s Blood Jasper – Great stone to work with when we are trying to understand and change our relationships with other people. It helps us to release old beliefs and habits that may have worked or been true at one time, but are no longer applicable.  Also great for exploring patterns in our romantic relationships.  It encourages us to be logical and capable of change.  Reminds us that real love magnifies what is good and allows us space to grow.


Druzy Agate - A stone that is associated with love, peace, stress relief, intuition and strengthening of the spirit. Induces delightful feelings of creativity, relaxation, as well as mind, body, and soul natural healing. Supplies your everyday life with warm loving energies and assists you to diminish stress levels and feel genuinely decompressed. Assists you to attain a loving and well-balanced life. It inspires you to invest in your powerful capacities, recognize your invaluable worth, and fully accept yourself as who you are.


Emerald - Has been known as a symbol of truth and love. Provides overall healing so you can learn to love yourself, the people around you and see things in a positive light. A stone of wisdom, it enhances memory and increases mental clarity by combining intelligence with discernment. Emerald promotes friendship, balance between partners, and is particularly known for providing domestic bliss, contentment and loyalty. It is a good stone for regeneration and recovery, both of the physical and the emotional bodies. It is a positive stone, full of energy, and encourages us to enjoy life to the fullest.


Fluorite - Clarity, neutralize all of the negativity around it, Bring peace, joy and happiness. Calms a chaotic mind and promotes freethinking, flexibility, and freedom of choice. Meditation with this can help reveal the truth of a relationship and is marvelous for releasing suppressed emotions and facilitating life changes. 


Galaxy Opal - Galaxy Opal is associated with all opals as far as the stone’s physical and healing properties and the spiritual aspects of the opal. It’s also known for intensifying emotions and helping individuals release inhibitions. If you are having a bad day, it’s good to carry a Galaxy Opal with you because it helps release angry feelings and helps one regain self-worth. It will assist you with expressing your true self and the stone also strengthens your memory. The stone also stimulates originality and creativity, and if you are a spontaneous person, this is the perfect stone to help you move forward in all areas of your life.


Garnet - Health, prosperity, passion, pleasure, clears energy blockages that are preventing you from living fully. Brings serenity or passion as appropriate, and can inspire love and balance the sex drive. Considered a lucky stone, for love, success, & business relationships. Helps let go of old behavior patterns and boosts self-confidence.


Goldstone - Deflects unwanted energies and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protective mineral. Brings light, empowerment, boosting your drive and confidence.


Gold Rutilated Quartz - Its positive energy helps to brighten up gloominess, boosts self-confidence and strengthen our will-power. Golden Rutilated Quartz is also a famous crystal for abundance. It brings luck, and enhances logical thinking and analyzing skill, which helps us perform better in our professional life.


Golden Quartz - is a powerful cleansing stone. Known to assist in the releasing of old behaviors, addictions, conditioning, blockages, and destructive patterns. It is said to activate healing on every level, raising one's frequency to release blockages and/or unwanted energies. Restores one's balance and encourages peace and harmony.


Green Agate - Gives an abiding sense of wholeness, belonging, and having abundance as your birthright. Has properties of adjusting the energy balance. It has been believed for its power to balance Yin and Yang. Enhances mental and emotional flexibility and improves decision making. It is useful in resolving disputes.


Green Jade - Harmony, abundance, prosperity, wellbeing, Foster positive energy and relationships. It relieves anxiety and lightens emotions developed from fear. This stone never allows any negative energy or negative influences to affect the individual wearing it.


Green tourmaline - Helps you improve your demeanor and attract new friends or a romantic partner. This stone reminds you that to bring more romance into your life, you must learn how to enjoy your own company. Determine what makes you happy and use this stone to attract relationships that will provide loving companions or a mutually satisfying romantic relationship.  It can help you to become less inhibited and more expressive. It is useful for countering a fear of change or balancing obsessive compulsive disorder in yourself or others.


Hematite - Gives you a reality check, rather than over analyzing due to stress or anxiety. For those who have difficulty staying grounded and focused. Encourages one to shoot for the stars and aids one in coming to the realization that their only true limitations are the self-limiting beliefs within their mind.


Honey Calcite - It connects the emotions with the intellect, creating emotional resilience and intelligence. It also combats lethargy and laziness and brings back motivation and hope to those who have lost them. Teaches us understanding and use of power. It may encourage responsibility in leadership and is thought to help with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite is believed to increase feelings of self-worth, confidence, courage, and assists us to overcome obstacles.


Jade - Symbolizes gentleness, serenity, harmony, and balance in feng shui, or the practice of bringing balance to your life and home with energy. Also means strength, luck, and good health. It’s also revered for its healing properties balancing the body's processes. Thought to help increase fortune, ground you, and enhance maturity in relationships.


K2 Jasper - It supports our intuition, as well as empathy, and inspires us to seek peace and exhibit goodwill.  It encourages us toward emotional balance, and helps to align the physical with the spiritual. Its energy can also help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.


Kyanite (blue) - Beneficial stone when it comes to spirituality, communication, and self-expression. It can help you speak your truth, feel more peaceful, and connect to a higher consciousness. Shifting the energy of old repetitive patterns, it cuts the emotional ties from the past to allow for growth and understanding. 


Labradorite - Stone of magic & curiosity, helps tap into higher state of consciousness, boosts mental and spiritual power. Deflects negative thoughts and unwanted energy and banishes insecurity and fear. Helpful during change as it imparts strength. 


Lapis Lazuli - Inner vision, truthful communication. Aids in the development of enhanced intuition & gives one access to spiritual guidance. Excellent for those who are looking for new ideas, learning new things, and teaching others.


Larimar – Enlightens and heals in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love energy. It’s a serene crystal that can promote relaxation and calm.   Larimar assists us in taking control of our lives by dissolving self-sabotaging behaviour, alleviating guilt and removing fear. It embraces love and joy, opening up the heart by allowing us to express unconditional love.


Lemon Quartz - Is said to bless the wearer with the qualities of optimism, well-being and creativity, in addition to all the normal qualities of clear quartz. It is said to support deep meditation and enhance focus on personal goals. It also helps the mind find clarity and a bright outlook.  Because the color yellow is associated with clarity, communication and happiness, lemon quartz is believed to help balance and strengthen these aspects. Used in meditation, lemon quartz is believed to filter out distractions, aid concentration and open memory. It is also believed to reduce anxiety, bring in money or assistance in times of need, and decrease negativity. 


Leopardskin Jasper - is an excellent protection stone, providing protection for both travellers and astral travellers. It’s also a grounding stone, and is especially useful in healing. It instills a feeling of wholeness, serenity and being cared for. In general, Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, Jasper unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds people to help each other.


London blue topaz - Known as the jewel of love and loyalty. It represents everlasting love and friendship. It is said to have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to soothe anxiety and promote emotional balance. It is an empathic stone that soothes, heals, recharges and re-centers its wearers. Believed to promote truth and forgiveness, relaxing the spirit as well as the body. 


Malachite - Protection from negativity, sensing danger, support your happiest self. Helps people who lack self-confidence and self-responsibility. Assists in making progress on your spiritual journey. Constantly cleanse and clear your stone if you wear it often to remove the negativity collected from others.


Maligano Jasper - is about grounding. This Jasper is used in finding your center, thereby finding balance within the body and without. Helps take action to release or retain old patterns and move on to creating new and/or more healthy patterns. Very helpful when working within a group to achieve a common goal. This is such an even keeled and smooth energy that it can help even the most hyperactive and/or uncooperative to "Slow down and smell the roses.


Marcasite -They call it the stone of optimism because of the positive effects it causes to those who carry it. A stone that inspires creativity when it comes to the arts and architecture. Using this stone every day will increase our ability to be objective in situations that may be uncomfortable or difficult. We will feel that we can concentrate much better and that we have more clarity in our mind. Inspires relaxation, reflection and spiritual development.  Increases confidence, will power and boldness.


Midnite Quartzite -  Contains mind body & spirit healing properties. Quartzite stabilizes positive changes by anchoring them in the fabric of your physical and subtle bodies. It helps prevent you from slipping back to your old state after you undergo any uplifting change, such as a healing or spiritual experience.


Montana Agate - Known as a jewel boulder that will promote maturity, inner stability, and composure. The warm energies of this stone will strengthen your poise and self-control so that you will be able to stop yourself from going after desires that are not healthy for you. Capable of grounding your energies and it helps you concentrate on the things that you have to do. Can aid you to manifest growth in material possessions and money. Extremely grounding stone, capable of clearing one’s chakras, kundalini energies, and yin/yang energies. It is a very strong choice for those seeking emotional balance.


Mookaite Jasper - It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness. Helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages versatility and helps us to accept change. Known to be a stone of youthfulness, it is said to reverse the effects of ageing and boost the immune system. Use for increasing self-confidence, self-worth, and to realize one’s full potential. It is great for focusing on a specific goal or for a motivational boost in the workplace.


Moonstone - Bring lovers closer together. Magical stone that connects you to your divine feminine, both men and women, enhance intuition. Stimulates psychic perception, vision and dream work. It can magnify one's emotions, and is supportive in children to drive away nightmares or insomnia.


Moss Agate - Is a stone of new beginnings. Refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold. Reduces sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants. It attracts abundance in wealth and improves self-esteem. It has balanced enduring energy and grounding ability that embodies sound metaphysical properties that are known to aid abundance and prosperity and stimulate creativity. The vibration of this stone brings you strength and courage, and will help to lessen fear and stress and may aid you to attract nature spirits.


Obsidian - Grounding, protection, cutting negative patterns bringing them to attention, then absorbing toxic energy. Brings out all of our creative energies. Spiritual communication.


Ocean Jasper - Encourages you to embrace love, happiness and joy, even when you may find it hard to do so. Calls love, kindness, and happiness into your life. Teaches you to embrace self-care. Supports you on your journey to live a joyful and happy life. Uplifting stone that balances a peaceful energy with an equally happiness-inducing one. Helps you to find contentment with where you are right now, rather than worrying about the future or despairing about the past.


Ocean picture agate - Promotes creativity, clarity and self love. Carry this stone wherever you go for luck and emotional support. Stone of Plentitude. Brings abundance and fullness to life. Promotes perseverance and patience. This semi-precious stone is known for its ability to provide stability, energy, and prosperity. Place it near your heart chakra to stabilize your aura and promote well being.


Olivine - Reduces negative emotions, enhances self reliance. Luck and money charm. Protection against negativity in general and for auras in particular.


Onyx - Balance, confidence and protection, potential, focus and perseverance. Promotes a great deal of positivity and optimism during challenging times. Not only take away negative energies and transmute them into positive, but will also show us that we are stronger than we previously imagined.


Opal - It enkindles optimism, enthusiasm and creativity, and allows for the release of inhibitions inspiring love and passion. It is a karmic stone with a reminder that what one sends out will return.  It will inspire originality and boost creativity. It will get the creative juices flowing, and it will give you energy every time you need that extra boost. Opal will make you see your full potential. It will strengthen your motivation to succeed. This stone will encourage inner growth.

Opalized wood - Is often associated with transformation and change, reflecting how wood is transformed into opal over time. It can symbolize personal growth, adaptation, and overcoming challenges. It is believed to enhance vitality, enthusiasm, and positive energy, helping to revitalize one’s spirit. As a combination of wood and opal, opalized wood can represent a connection between the earthly and the spiritual realms. It is said to promote a deeper connection with nature, grounding energies, and fostering a sense of harmony and balance

Orange Sunstone - (see sunstone)  The energy of Orange in Sunstone brings joy and friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. It is a happy and sharing stone, integrating the parts of our communal lives, bringing things and people together. It is a stone of physical pleasure and intimacy. In lighter shades, Orange Sunstone promotes companionship and affection, while darker crystals deepen the sense of belonging and home.


Orthoceras - It is said to enhance telepathy. Used to release fear related to getting old. Healing properties are : openness, innovation, knowledge, grounding, increased confidence; simulates thymus; activates mind; reduces anxiety and stress; balances emotions; decreases toxins; increases life span; empowers accomplishments; promotes pride and success in business.


Palm Root Fossil - Has grounding, calming, and healing properties, and is said to bring protection and luck.   Stone of tender and gentle transformation. Shows us the way to release and heal past life issues and current life challenges. Gently transforming old energies and behaviors and re-grounding us into a new foundation that is stable, strong, solid and tranquil. Assists us to balance and soothe emotions, dissolve emotional fear, release negative repetitive behaviors and ease our feelings of depression and anxiety. Inspires the expansion of positive beliefs and woos the energy of contentment to bubble up from within, resulting in upliftment of mind, body and emotion.


Pearl - Emotional healing, nurturing. Symbolic of wisdom gained through experience. The gems are believed to offer protection, as well as attract good luck and wealth. They are well known for their calming effects.


Peridot - A positive energy stone. Helps dissipate negative patterns and old vibrations, keeping one from realizing they are deserving of success. Release nervous tension, as well as to alleviate fear and guilt, anxiety or impatience. It vibrates with energy of sunshine, bringing blessings and abundance. 


Petrified Palm wood - is a wonderful stone for grounding and transformation in every aspect of our lives. Encourages us to slow down, to relax, to worry less and to enjoy the present Petrified Wood has a very soothing and calm energy. Teaches us patience, and that slow and steady growth will often serve us best. Rather than struggling to change, it encourages us to find the flow that matches our natural strengths so that change is relatively easy.  It helps us to “stop sweating the small stuff” and focus our attention on the things that are within our power and worth our time to positively influence 


Picture Jasper - Its grounding energy can give you a strong sense of who you are, where you’ve been and where you are going. It’s a protective and nurturing stone that will bring you comfort during your low days. It will also alleviate your fears and remove your worries. It will give you constant stimulation, which will result in a high level of productivity. It will positively influence your home, and bring relaxation, composure, security, and stability in your life.


Pink Opal - A love stone with a deep connection to the Heart Chakra. It works to heal our emotions, allowing our hearts to open to love. Pink Opal is often referred to as “The Stone of Resolution” as it works to heal our emotional wounds and deep hidden fears enabling us to resolve and let them go.


Pink tourmaline is a nurturing stone that helps you restructure your thoughtforms, or mental energy, into positive statements. It helps your raise your awareness enough to recognise the negative thoughts you carry around and then it assists in releasing them, Use pink tourmaline with the intention of receiving inspiration. This stone softens the thoughts you have about yourself and helps you treasure yourself with every thought your have. It is useful for balancing brain biochemistry to promote a balanced mental state.


Pinolith - A gemstone of optimism and balance, providing a soothing, calming effect, improving self-esteem while establishing equilibrium between emotions and intellect. Thought to promote imagination and creativity by banishing negativity and encouraging clarity of mind for positive visualization. Helps one look ahead towards new beginnings and opportunities, while serving as a reminder of the constant growth you’ve already experienced. Helps one to see the ‘truth’ of situations and issues in one’s life and thus helps one to acknowledge and release any negative emotions attached to such situations and issues, and thus having a greater understand of oneself. 


Plume Agate - Believed to be linked to the collective consciousness of the higher authority of divinity. It also facilitates psychic visions helping one understand everything about the origin of the world. The stone is also great for meditation and increasing spirituality. Associated with the crown chakra, it widens the intuition and allows the mind to comprehend a myriad of possibilities.


Prehnite - Inner peace, union of heart and will, communication with higher beings, clarity and focus. Quiets restlessness and brings peace out of worry and stress. Helps one to embrace the present moment so that they can create their future in a positive way. 


Purple Moss Agate - It refreshes your soul and helps you feel peaceful. It will bring wisdom and power and help you feel confident and be productive. It enhances your creativity and helps boost your imagination. It can help you connect to your third eye and enhance intuition.


Purple Plume Agate – This stone is specifically known to help in making important decisions in life. As a powerful stone Agate is also known to help accept one’s own truth and build self-confidence. It also encourages a wearer to speak the truth. The stone helps one steer away from negativity and ill-will. It fosters positivity, love, and courage. 


Pyrite - is a stone of financial abundance. Use this stone with intention when you are trying to improve your financial status. This stone also provides physical protection by deflecting negative energy of situations. It encourages you to overcome fears and take action. It can be used to help bring you out of your shell and to encourage you to be more dynamic and confident. It helps strengthen courage and self confidence.  This golden stone offers you the opportunity to allow the reflection and expansion of your positive qualities.


Quartz Druzy- Amplifies energy and intention, programmable. Dispels negative energy and cleanses the aura of the wearer. It amplifies clear, creative, and pragmatic thinking. Aids the metaphysics of the wearer and balance any impurities within the body by promoting good health, meditation, and positive thinking.



Rainbow Fluorite - Clarity, improved decision making, bring peace, joy and happiness. Clear the negativity in your auric field and aid in removing “ cloudy thoughts”. Allow the mind to clear and give the user mental capacity to empty mind for which they can think freely. Increases intuitive abilities and develops connection to Spirit.


Rainbow Moonstone - Intensifies your feminine 'Goddess' energy! They are wonderful healing crystals for you to understand and embrace your gifts. These beautiful crystals reflect within them the magical healing qualities of the vibrations of the moon. 


Raw Quartz - Links to all chakras to provide balance and harmony, help manifest your intentions. Helps to communicate with your guides during meditation. Can help with physical healing.


Red Coral - Peace and transformation, honesty and positivity. Useful when you want to have energy for your life or sweep away sluggishness. Boosts leadership qualities, aiding determination and seeing projects through to completion.  Clears feelings of resentment and frustration.  Used to bring luck and pleasant dreams.


Red Jade -  A stone of luck, dreams and fidelity. Helps with physical vitality, strength, and passion. It helps the user fulfil their dreams and manifest their desires. It's a stone of confidence, ambition and self-reliance. Is about taking you from lethargy and indifference to courage and total control of your destiny. Is also thought to be an effective crystal for money since it promotes healthy behaviors that can potentially lead to prosperity. 


Red Ocean Jasper – Said to provide calm, uplifting energy to the holder in trying times, feeding into a more optimistic outlook on life. The stone aids clearer communication, and enhances self-confidence as well as self-insight.


Red Ruby Zoisite - Instills joy, laughter, courage and a deeper appreciation of life. Increased vitality, energy & focus. Reawaken spirituality. Boost your self-confidence. Helps to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat, and it is a powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body's defenses and healing mechanisms. 


Rhodochrosite - brings true joy to one's life, heals old wounds and makes it possible to love oneself and others unconditionally.  Integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energizing the soul. Opens the heart, lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook. It improves self worth and soothes emotional stress.


Rhodonite – A crystal filled with love and balance. It has been nicknamed the “Stone of Love” due to its ability to fully clear, stimulate, and reactivate your heart. Its energies vibrate outwards and assists in self-love and value. This crystal pushes you to really love yourself so that you may offer love to someone else. It produces generosity, joy, and happiness to anyone who constantly works with or carries a piece. It's a very strong stone that helps reduce and suppress anxiety. It will strengthen your heart and show you just how strong you can be, even in what you may think is your weakest environment. 


Rose Quartz - Love stone. Brings heart to its purest loving potential allowing one to love themselves and others. Provides deep feelings of personal fulfillment and contentment. Helps raise self-esteem & confidence. Compassion, happiness, forgiveness & peace flow, help release toxic emotions.


Rubellite Tourmaline - Brings strength, conviction in areas based on Love. Courage to overcome issues that hold the heart hostage. Increases a zest for living and for lively interaction with others. It helps revitalize passion and joy in sexuality, and aids in making dedicated commitments based on love. Encourages tactfulness and flexibility.


Ruby - It is said to promote self-care in the wearer and inspire confidence to tackle all aspects of life. The ruby is often said to decrease anxiety and self-doubt. It is a gemstone that encourages the wearer to live fully and embrace whatever happens. It allows the wearer to see their strength and potential from the perspective of their own heart.


Ruby Fuchsite - Perfect combination for love, fertility and positive growth. The contrasting colors and densities of these stones is a wonderful symbol of unity, togetherness and a lasting bond. Energizes the root and heart chakras. A wonderful healer for the emotional body. It soothes suffering, distress and calms the mind. Believed to instill Happiness, Honesty, courage and passion in the acquirer of the stone. It alleviates worry and removes negativity.


Ruby in Zoisite - are helpful for getting you fired up when you have a blaÅ›e attitude about life. If you have been lacking enthusiasm and generally feel bored, the energy from ruby will get your blood flowing. Intensifies the emotions and stokes passions. It can be used as a talisman to bring wealth, joy, love, sexual vigor and power.  Ruby offers you healthy tension and dynamism. It is enlivening, rejuvenates, fires you with enthusiasm and lifts you out of lethargy and exhaustion. 


Rutilated Quartz -  brings you feelings of joy even when there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. It will reduce feelings of being overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities in life. Rutilated quartz is a self empowering stone. Use it to find the shining light within you, and step away from the useless act of downplaying yourself. With its ability to boost courage, this stone is beneficial for improving your self esteem.


Sapphire - Great for calming and focusing the mind, allowing the release of mental tension and unwanted thoughts. It encourages opening the mind to beauty and intuition, bringing lightness and joy as it restores balance within the body. Use Blue Sapphire to stay on your spiritual path. It’s a stone of love, commitment and fidelity. Believed to promote wisdom, accurate thinking and spiritual truth. Ideal gemstone for those looking to channel their energies into clear, positive thinking to accomplish goals.


Seraphinite - Assists in releasing emotional patterns and tendencies that no longer serve the soul and spirit. It brings an enlightened, joyful energy and allows one to react to life in a balanced, more harmonious way. Encourages the appreciation of all that is growing – physically, emotionally or spiritually, and encourages the refinements of tenderness and care.


Serpentine - It can help you to be less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self-confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. It is a stone of independence. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear. It balances mood swings and protects from negative energy effects. It helps you keep your mind focused on positive thoughts. 


Shattuckite - Is a stone of truth and balance. It helps us to see what has gone wrong and how to bring it back into rightness. Amplifies psychic abilities, telepathy, and divine wisdom. It can bring courage and inner strength when you're faced with a stressful situation. It calms the mind, and brings balance and harmony into one's life space. Can help when wanting to increase communication skills.


Smoky Quartz - Grounding, organization, Overcome negative emotions such as stress, fear, anger, jealousy, depression. Place in the home or work environment to filter out bad moods, unspoken resentments, or disparaging remarks that drain one’s strength and enthusiasm. Alleviates communication difficulties and foster a spirit of cooperation.


Snowflake Obsidian – A stone of purity. It symbolizes the need to regularly clear your body, heart, mind, and spirit of toxins that can prevent the free flow of positive energies. The healing energies of this stone will help you achieve a balance in your body, mind, and spirit.  A very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one's own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. 


Sodalite - Self-esteem, acceptance and trust, creativity, and powers of analysis and observation. Stone of insight. It is a mental enhancer and a key to unlocking deepened intuition. Helps you notice your strengths and weaknesses, as well as assisting in finding your true desires.


Solar quartz - Is believed to enhance energy, bring emotional strength and uplift with great power. It improves the connection to spirit and harmony. It is also said to be protective, purifying the spirit, mental state and physical well-being. It can help pave a new way for you to reach your goals and achieve success. It Helps boosts the concentration and builds up memory retention by eliminating distractions.


Southern Red Agate - Protection from negative energy, grounding, attracts health and prosperity. Impart happiness, confidence and enthusiasm. A chance to achieve your heart’s desire, but beware of sudden temptation. Facilitate self-analysis, honesty and self-acceptance.


Spiny Oyster –  It represents hope and courage and a reminder of how important you are! You deserve to grow and thrive. They may help them to become more approachable, if even just a little. Literally, helping them to come out of their shell (I am sorry for that pun!). Those that have a tendency to repress their emotions and/or remain stone-faced while bubbling inside, could benefit from wearing this stone.


Stinking Water Plume Agate - helps you deal with all of the emotional chaff which can come forth when a blockage releases. This crystal helps you let these go easily. It helps you meditate, getting to a place where you your mind is totally still. It also helps you do inner child work.


Strawberry Quartz - Carries all the energies of a Clear Quartz, with the additional vibrations of universal love, understanding of your reason in this world, and courage to seize the day. Carrying it can be very soothing and calming, especially if you work in a fast-paced environment. Will bring your subtle energy body, your emotions, and your psyche into balance. It’s an important tool for when you want to start anew or get back on your spiritual path.


Striped Agate - Is a "perfect all around healing gemstone".  It's known for healing the body, mind and the spirit.  It has a balancing effect on the body, and is cleansing at the physical and emotional level.  This agate produces strength, power and courage, enhances truthfulness and brings forth understanding.


Sunstone - Confidence, strength, benevolence, promotes energy, vitality, and creativity. Helps focus on the good of all & live in accordance to the free will of all, while bringing the desire to bestow blessings on loved ones. Great for those who find themselves in a leadership position as it stimulates strong, moral and benevolent leadership qualities.  


Swiss Opal - Helping people to help their emotional wounds, this green stone provides great emotional strength. Is said to be very reliable and strong stone when it comes to strengthening relationships. Wear this stone near your heart in form of a pendant and you will feel that your heart is full of positivity and strength. The stone is helpful in providing positivity to the wearer.  It is also used to combat fear of any type.


Tangerine Quartz - Energy of inner child, playfulness & curiosity, allowing learning & growth. Activates passion on all levels, from sexuality to creativity. It helps to encourage self-acceptance and overcome limitations. May take you beyond your limited belief system.


Tanzanite -Believed to facilitate a higher consciousness and stimulate intuition and perception. Some believe that it aids in detoxifying the body and improving vitality. It is said to be a good stone to wear or have near in situations where you need a calming and soothing presence. It enables us to move forward with optimism and inspiration, giving us a sense of direction and allowing us to manifest our powers for the highest good. It is a good stone for career change.


Tiger Dendritic Agate – Stone of plentitude. The stone supports success in everything you do.  ensures that you’re making the right choices to experience success and happiness no matter what you’re doing. An excellent tool for creating inner stability. It helps you mature while still staying true to who you are. 


Tiger Eye - Protection, good luck, intuition, mental health, prosperity, bestow fierce focus and primal power. Keeps one grounded and calm while pushing one forward into action. Boosts one’s willpower and creative energy giving the desire to create and the vigor to carry these desires out. Carry Tiger Eye in difficult negotiations as it can enhance willingness to reach an agreement and get a similar reaction from the opposite side.


Topaz - A stone of nobility, love, passion, and purpose. Associated with high self-esteem and good fortune. Radiates gentle power that soothes, heals, stimulates, and recharges. Brings you lasting and solid energy that will fill your life with abundance, peace, and joy. Stimulates your self-confidence and your ability to learn new things. Inspires creativity and increases your attention span.


Tourmaline - Has been said to be a stone of reconciliation, a stone that fosters compassion and cool headedness, radiates the energy that attracts money, healing and friendship, and is used for grounding purposes, to stabilize, and reaffirm our Earth roots. Helps to create a shield around a person or room to prevent negative or unwelcome energies from entering. Promotes insight, intelligence, charity, and happiness. If you want superior relief from stress and anxiety, Tourmaline is the gemstone of your choice. 


Turquoise - Health, protection, wisdom. Voicing your opinion and communicating better. Emotional balancer and brings peace and serenity to users in times of need. Promotes self-realization and assists creative problem solving. It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love. Associated with meanings of calming, energy, serenity, wholeness, creativity, emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, joy, tranquility, patience, intuition, and loyalty. As a gift, it symbolizes well-wishes, good health and hopes for future prosperity.


Volcanic Rock - Works well in stabilizing and anchoring the root chakra. When the root chakra is in sync with all other chakras you will begin to feel grounded, safe and secure. Teaches you to ignite the fire within and allow your true expression to show, giving one the inner strength to overcome personal challenges. 


Watermelon Tourmaline - resonates with the heart chakra, and it will cleanse and get rid of any blockages that reside in your heart. It also acts as a balancing crystal that will remove your insecurities and amplify your strengths. It will balance your male and female energies as well. It will inspire both practicality and creativity, and it will help you achieve your goals by thinking out of the box and being resourceful to make your goals happen.  Soothes the heart and counters anger or resentment.


White Buffalo Turquoise - A potent stone for tranquility and awareness, it releases stuck energies, opens the Crown Chakra, and helps connect you to Spirit. Associated with the Crown chakra but has the ability to realign all seven chakras.White Turquoise is said to help promote a general sense of well being. It can be useful for channeling new energy into the body. This stone can also help with promoting a sense of emotional peace, easing the effects of depression and panic.


White Coral - Helps overcome negativity and fear, Improve communication, Boosts immunity. Users of white coral are blessed from courage, leadership, ambition and physical strength. Enhances harmony and power. Offers the wearer with the positive life- force energy and calmness. Vibrations are stimulating and inspiring.


White Plume Agate - Helps you stabilize your inner self. Removes negative energies from the body. Can you in making important decisions in life. Helps you build self-confidence.  Cultivates feelings of positivity, love, and bravery. Helps you to link your consciousness to a superior power or divinity. 


 Wild Horse Jasper - Considered to be a protective stone and is said to align our chakras and balancing the yin and yang energies within our body. Great for individuals who want to bridle their impulsive nature a bit without suppressing their creative urges. 


Yellow Coral - Empowering gemstone that fills the wearer with joy and contentment. It’s associated with emotional healing as it comes from the ocean. A calming and balming gemstone that can soothe your heart in times of pain. Coral stimulates one’s imagination, sensitivity, and composure with oneself that leads to peace and contentment.


Yellow Onyx - Helps sooth anxiety and depression and can boost emotional strength. Associated with seriousness and logic, and is said to help one who wears it know when to keep silent in certain situations. Can bring happiness, joy and good fortune. Enhances steadfastness and determination, setting ones mind to a task. It is grounding stone, valuable in difficult or confusing times in our lives. Can be extremely helpful to people who are in the process of letting go or releasing the past attachments to people, places and things. 



Zebra Jasper - Motivating, mood lifting, energetic stone. Reminds one that it's impossible to lose all of our good energy and love by giving it away. Good for grounding when doing spiritual work. Helps to transition from the material plane to the astral plane during meditation. 


Rainbow Calsilica produces a calming effect through the balancing of mind and energy as well as cleanse the surrounding aura. The colors are thought to facilitate success and attainment of the goals of empowerment and expression.

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